The New Aryan Age: The Indiaization of the World and the Ancient War

The Indiaization of the world is the goal of the new hegemonic Crusade of Aryan fascism. Anyone with even an ounce of humanism, reason, and morality left must now clarify their stance, abandon all imposed identities, all motivations for contradictions and conflicts, all dishonorable, immoral, and disgraceful lifestyles, all impulses of wealth, lustfulness for reputation, and authority, and must transform all their powers into tools of war, taking their place in the ancient struggle for freedom waged by Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon all of them).
November 10, 2024

November 17, 2024

“At the bottom of the water, there is a rose; inside the rose, another river.”

(Federico García Lorca)

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, many ideologies preached grand narratives about humanity’s questions and problems. While military-agricultural empires collapsed, industrial revolutions and enlightenment brought forth nation-states, whose sharing wars over territories and resources drowned the world in blood and tears. Marxism, nationalism, liberalism, and Islamism dominated millions, claiming both to explain events and to guide them. During the Cold War, the bipolar world of capitalist democracy and totalitarian socialism fostered the Westernization of the world, establishing national development and welfare systems as rewards to that nations adopting imposed westernization. Ideologies, as the new religions of industrial society, served as opiates to soothe human sufferings. The latter half of the 20th century was marked by the struggles of idealistic generations, fighting for their versions of the good, the true, and the beautiful—a better future—through tales of blood, tears, imprisonments, and deaths. (A few years ago, a farmer in Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley, pointing towards Syria, remarked, “See over there, there were camps of militants from all over the world.” He added, “I think those days are over, and those camps are closed. Now we farm those lands.” Yet, in other fields, new types of camps are being prepared.)

Russia, Iran, and France, via Syria/Lebanon, had continued to wage proxy wars against the Anglo-Saxon Jewish world, fueled by the blood and lives of these idealistic generations. After the Cold War, while the Russians and French withdrew, Iran pursued its sectarian war under the guise of exporting revolution. Iran, with a level of hypocrisy and pharisaism befitting its Indo-Aryan roots, has begun to play a sham fight theatre with Israel. “The worst is the misuse of the best.” (Schopenhauer) This Persian pharisaism comes from Indian origins. The Persian tribes, early westward migrants from India’s lower classes before common era, had been co-regional with Jews brought from India later. These later groups-brought by Persians to the Middle East around 400 BCE-remain distinct castes and occasionally engage in caste conflicts. In Iran’s 40-year theatrical enmity with Israel, if the reality effect is necessary, that is, if any actual conflict arises, it is never the Persians who die. Shiites of Arabs, Shiite Azeris, Shiites of Kurds, or other Shiites are always pushed to the front lines.

After all, those who plunged the whole Europe into war in the 19th century and the whole world into war in the 20th century continue to provoke a similar chain of wars in the Middle East at the beginning of the 21st century. Who are they? The Americans, British, Germans, French, Anglo-Saxons. The Jews and the Iranians. What they all have in common is that they are from the Indo-Iranian basin. The Aryan expelled from ancient India and the Mongols from China. Both pushed westward by their homelands and these two races probably because of what they experienced in their homelands they had never returned back and they razed, they brutally murdered people, including children, committed genocide with unrelenting ferocity wherever they went. Their history suggests a profound problem with humanism itself.

The Indo-European and Aryan race theories are likely accurate and still dominate the world. The hegemonic forces, with their inherent hatred of humanity, are Aryan. Moreover, Iranian Persians of Indian origin and Jews of India’s lower castes have always sided with Western Aryans, acting as their helpers, supporters against their rivals, and remaining imitators of them. The Indian Dravidian roots of the Jews, veiled by their partial Judaic assimilation in the Middle East, become evident upon closer scrutiny.

Nationalism and Socialism Are the Aryan Inventions

A modern manifestation of demagogy, hypocrisy and pharisaism —thse qualities are the hallmarks of those with Indian roots—rebranded National Socialism, that was a concept invented by another Aryan race, the Germans, by veiling it with the concept of NAZI and fascism and marketing it to the Second and Third World as a so-called religion of national salvation. Throughout the 20th century, efforts to preserve the concept of socialism and present the Soviet Union as an alternative central power to the West for non-Western nations—because the cause of socialism gave the reality effect in the cold war theater—resulted in the transformation of an ideology, which was essentially Nazi ideology, into the style of leftism in many countries, parties and organization by embellishing it in the name of so-called fight aganist capitalism and social liberation. NAZI, or National Socialism, actually meant national collectivism as it was used by the German Nazis but in the global literature the word socialism was never used in association with national socialism instead it was presented only by the word, NAZI to prevent it appearing associated with socialism. Arab nationalism adopted this hypocritical mixture through Baathism and Nasserism; Turkish Kamalism did so via leftist Kamalistic nationalism, particularly the left-wing nationalist version championed by the March 9 coup entrepreneurs; and Kurdish nationalism incorporated it through the Stalinist Kurdish nationalism ideology of the PKK. After all, both technology and ideology were created by Germans, slightly adapted and utilized by the British, French, and Russians. Even the concept of fascism, belonged to Italy and Mussolini, was later identified with German Nazism and Hitler as the name of devil needed and since then meeting the needs of the cursing at enemies of the distorted and hypocritical leftism.

Nationalism is the French version of Aryan racism. Although it was once translated into Turkish as “loving the society grown in-communitarianism” to made it seem appealing—later renamed “ulusalcılık” (nationalism)—in essence, it is nothing more than an imitation of Aryan racial arrogance that proved useful in dismantling empires and establishing small tribal states. Even the best form of nationalism is a harmful Aryan project. (Patriotism—love of one’s country—and communitarianism, and localism—are completely different from the concepts of nationalism and racism. Every honorable person is a patriot for their country, a lover of their people and history. Unfortunately, the poison of nationalism and racism has intertwined with this natural, inherent love for one’s nation and homeland with ideological, racist, supremacist malevolence.)

The Zionism Is Also an Imitation of Aryan Racism

The Zionism, a Jewish nationalism invented by the Germans in the 19th century, aimed to establish a colony in the Mediterranean-Middle Eastern region as a counterforce to the British’s hegemony in the region and to rid Germany of its Jewish population, was inherently a national-socialist ideology. However, as it became evident during World War I that Germany would lose, the Zionism shifted allegiance with the 1917 Balfour Declaration, becoming a tool for British interests. In response, Hitler’s party initiated anti-Jewish policies, planting the seeds of today’s issues, including the founding of Israel and the takeover of the U.S. by the Israeli lobby—a Jewish counterpart to the FETÖ movement. This, too, was a abuse of being the oppressed.

After the Arab-Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973, when Israel’s permanence became apparent, many Jews within the global left changed sides, becoming both leftist and Zionist. Jews have a knack for concealing their oppression, tyranny, and every form of discord through the exploitation of victimhood. After all, Jews—descended from the lower Indian castes—attempted to avenge the suffering inflicted by Aryan Europeans (a higher Indian caste) not upon their fellow Indian-origin “compatriots” but instead upon Palestinians and Muslims, fabricating a false history with their genetic talent for demagoguery. Even their faith is built on lies. Contrary to their widespread claim of Judaism, their beliefs have little to do with genuine Judaism. They distorted the Torah and adopted a fabricated Talmudic malevolence, along with its secular variations of bizarre, godless ideologies. Indo-Aryan peoples believe in nothing but play the role of believers exceptionally well—because they simply cannot believe. Even they don’t know how to believe. They don’t have believing abilities. Faith is a mental faculty and believing is the trait of the descendants of Adam, who have developed intelligence. Those without belief, or those who pretend to believe by exaggerating it into level of dogmatic bigotry -bigotry is a sign of the pharisaism- like idolatrouses and by appropriating the belief itself, it doesn’t matter which part of the world they live in, genetically they are Indian. Thus, no fanatical believer—whether religious or irreligious—can ever be a true adherent of the People of the Book. The measure is simple: true believers possess genuine faith, which they embody with humility through the righteous deeds. From the India, however, have come not believers but religious tricksters, frauds, anti-religious fanatics, or atheistic charlatans—those who distort, destroy, or exploit religion.

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the Jewish instinct, as a response to the expulsions and pogroms of Andalusia, Poland, and Russia, supported every anti-religious development in its conflicts with Christian Europe, and with the relapse of disbelief in its essence, easily adopted materialist and positivist philosophies as suitable identities for itself. They even developed and propagated these ideologies as if they were groundbreaking scientific discoveries. The Enlightenment was, at its core, an ideological collaboration between Jews and pagan elements—primarily of Indian origin—who were at war with Rome and forcibly converted to Christianity to build a new era called bourgeois revolution. Ultimately, they succeeded in liberating the bourgeoisie from the aristocracy, Jews and pagans from the Church’s grip, and local principalities from the monarchies. Modern Europe was shaped as a result of this new process in which liberationism was presented as enlightenment. Subsequently, principality wars between them, that is, colonial sharing wars between nation states, began. While they were trying to colonize the whole world in the name of westernization, they also continued wars among themselves that destroyed their people. The reason why they could so easily drive their people to death was because they were not one of those people. The European welfare order established after World War II actually meant that the rival Germany’s (and Japan’s) warrior power was conditioned to work (don’t fight, work!) under the protection and supervision of the USA, and that its energy ceased to be a threat with this castration. Scientific and technological developments and new inventions were polishing the image of a modern West that fascinated the rest of the world, and the big brother role of the USA, in particular, was presented as both a security and political role model, and as the ideal of contemporary civilization to the people convinced by the threat of the Soviets and communism. The founding fathers of the USA were also of Jewish or Anglo Saxon origin, that is, in the final analysis, of Indo-Aryan origin. Some call it WASP; some call it the deep West.

As Octavio Paz noted, the past two centuries were dominated, in essence, by the West’s internal war—or, more accurately, the historical civil war of Indo-European peoples and castes. This Aryan will, which made the 20th century the American era, is obviously tired and worn out enough and is now preparing to re-establish and manage this global game on a different field and in a different context.

China: Is it really “China”?

Now, we are in the first quarter of the 21st century, and a similar preparation for a global order is being made for China. Massive technological infrastructures, productions, inventions, surveillance systems with chip-based cameras and scoring mechanisms, a tremendous economic leap, political stability, and cruel new weapons that kill masses like insects… Everyone knows these were not invented or developed by the Chinese themselves. A Chinese sage once said, “You can kill a person with theurgy, but only if you add a bit of arsenic to their tea.” It seems a bit of English tea has also been added to China’s brew.

This gigantic power, which is prepared/presented as a medium-term threat on the one hand and as a new role model for the post-US era on the other, is developing in a silent or insidious position for now. Although, it may be early for China to take on global leadership role yet it is plausible to think that in a world drenched in blood by the USA and its allies, China, by taking over the task fulfilled by Russia during the Cold War, can emerge as a savior, a global leader. Clearly, socialism and nationalism, which served as the opium of Latin America and Asia in the last century, are being updated in a form of new model of National Socialism, exactly in accordance with the definition, tailored specifically to China. It seems that in the 21st century, Capitalism will develop hegemony of National Socialism derivatives fueled by anti-immigrant nationalism in Europe. Since today’s British-injected hormonal China is not like the historical China, that is, the traditional China of Tao, Confucius, Sun Tsu, this non-organic national communist capitalist China(!), whose name is China, whose personnel is Chinese, China is the showcase itself, but China, whose brain, soul, culture, system and mission are again masking the hidden hand of Aryan globalism, especially Aryanism with British color, yes, it is rising fast.

Another role of the China for now appears to be shadowing, or rather veiling, India. India, being India, is of course a mire. Of course, it cannot have a systemic image like China, not only because of its population diversity, but also because of its deteriorated historical accumulation that has been damaged since the British occupation and its social chaos that no longer holds together. But, as Henry Kissinger stated, “India, due to its proficiency in English and mathematics, is the West’s closest ally in the East.” Even more so, when considered together with tendencies such as Aryan race-Aryanism-Indo-Europeanism, which the western elites somehow rely on in their search for their own roots as if confirming various conspiracy theories, the Indian upper caste can be coded as the strategic partner of a global Aryan empire that balances China. Of course, the Persian elite, whose relations with Iran’s Indian upper caste are good on the basis of Aryanism, will also throw off the Shia mask after a possible regime change and prepare Iran for this new balance with its secular image. Just like Iran’s hypocritical Shia Crescent Project, which sufficiently destabilized the Middle East, poisoned the Arab revolutions, and carried out massacres and displacements in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen that the US and the UK could not achieve, the Zionist Project (the Greater Israel), which seeks to eliminate Palestinians on the shores of the Western Mediterranean to prepare the region for new projects, will also be labeled as the work of villains and eradicated. In this way, Jews, desert Arabs, and Iranian enthusiasts of Persian-Sassanid-Safavid glory—who are, after all, all of Indian origin—will be groomed for new tasks in Aryan globalism as privileged Mamluks, sufficiently disciplined with punishments and rewards. For instance, in a possible China-India or China-Russia war, they will take on different roles.

(Turkish, Kurdish, and Arab Zionists who bow in reverence to Jews, attributing immense power to them after observing the world’s silence on Israel’s Gaza massacre, have yet to realize that the real power lies with Aryan fascists. When they do realize this, they possess the aptitude to form connections with Aryanism as well.)

The Formula to Turn Kurds into Aryan Mamluks: Have Your Own State After Abjuration

Another candidate for Aryan globalism’s mamluks is the Kurds. In the early 20th century, the Kurds were not granted a nation state due to their insufficient urbanized population, the greater importance given to Iran, Türkiye and the Arab states at that time, and their being very religious. For a long time, however, they have been subjected to assimilation through a process that first Iranianized and then Aryanized them. The Iranianization began with embedding Zoroastrian/Magian symbols such as the Kurdish-Persian linguistic connection, Aryan roots, Nowruz, the Sun, and fire into Kurdish identity. Aryanization, on the other hand, continues by isolating the Kurds from people with whom they have religious, historical and geographical ties, and by legitimizing a Western-secular-neonazi villainy as the psychology of a victimized people’s struggle for their rights, similar to Israel. In this process, a dangerous big test is now being prepared for the Kurds, who have crowded into the cities, their population has increased and the required number of secular elites have grown. While natural-authentic Kurds still maintain their ties with Islam, which is their primary identity, Kurdish nationalists, who have been recruited, that is, Iranianized and made Aryan slaves, think that resembling Turks or Arabs, that is, preserving their Muslim identities is assimilation. The Deep West, which provided all the necessary support because there is a sufficient Kurdish population that prefer to be an Indian dravid, that is, a third-rate imitation of Aryan fascism over being Muslim, and Russia, that provides full support to the Kurds and regarding them as its possible new equerry in the region instead of Armenia, and lastly Iran, that supports any move aganist Türkiye zealously, all these powers are preparing scenarios for Kurds. The oppressors of the Kamalist regime, who made a great effort by providing the necessary justification for victimization and suffering in this Aryanization and assimilation process, hunted Kurds in the name of Turkishness, banned, abused and oppressed Kurdishness and Kurdish language, have been granted the privilage of the keeping watch over the idol they worshiped for a while longer as a reward for their contribution to this result. Both Turkish nationalism for Turkishness and Kurdish nationalism for Kurdishness are the greatest gravediggers of authentic version of these identities. It is time for patriots themselves to wake up and seriously question Turkish racism, which pushes the willpower that has organized the entire region with peace and justice under the flag of Islam for a thousand years to the vileness of nationalism shaped as an imitation of third-class Aryan racism and causes the hostility of the peoples it rules. Today, just as they impose a pre-Islamic Iranian-Aryan identity on Kurds, it is well known that Turkish Zionists, by preaching the pre-Islamic Tengrist-shamanist-Mongolian bullshits to the Turks as the self-Turkish identity, which they tried in the 1930s but did not work, instilled Islamophobia in the guise of hostility towards Arabs and Kurds to the ignorant adolescents. The hands of Israel and Aryanism is evident behind this toxic campaign.

No one has the right or the authority to make millennia-old historical authentic identities the toys of global devils in this way. The same goes for Kurds and Kurdishness.

A century ago, those who told the Turks, “Abjure your religion, take the state,” are now saying to the Kurds, “firstly abjure your religion, secondly leave aside your identity, then take your state.” They say, “Abjure your religion. Leave Islam aside. Leave the authentic humanizing pool that you joined by participating in the historical Abrahamic revolution that has dominated the world for a thousand years. Then we will honor you as a Turk, as a Kurd, as an Arab, and we will even include you among our privileged servants, despite the half-animal state you will become again by leaving your original identities. We will make you live in wealth and opportunities.” For now, they apply this at the individual level or, for small groups-communities-parties-organizations.

We have observed enough that after leaving Islam, what is left behind are dravidian human garbage dumps called Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Albanians, Circassians, etc. But on the other hand, we have also seen that these creatures, who can become racist nationalist fascists because they no longer have any concern about humanity, are carefully protected, rewarded and showered with various blessings by their Western masters. We know well that especially among Turks, those who have been secularized and abjured Islam, for decades, have acted as self-colonizers, waging a proxy war masked with secularism and republicanism against authentic Turkishness, Kurdishness, and religiosity have been awarded, being made famous and untouchable with additional rewards such as position-authority and protection to made their crimes being forgotten, by their Western masters due to this proxy war. The country continues to pay the price for the destructions caused by the crimes committed by these devshirmes who are the accomplices of the global oppressors.

This entire assimilation operation aims to subject the Middle East to the fate of 15th-century Andalusia or the Balkans in the early 20th century. It is well known by all and proved by the history that Islam is the soul root of, both the inventor, the developer and the insurance of the authencity of the Turkish, Kurdish, Arabs, Circassians, Albanians, Bosniacs, and Georgians identities and sole guarantee of coexistence in peace for all the peoples of these lands—including Armenians, Greeks, Jews, Syriacs, atheists, heretics, or other marginalized communities. Any past conflicts were either small, local political-economic disputes or the product of proxy wars incited by Eastern or Western devils. Never has any injustice, oppression, or cruelty originated from Islam itself or been compelled by being Muslim. Because there is a belief in goodness and justice that does not allow cruelty, injustice and unfairness, even if it is done in the name of Islam. Despite the narratives of Westernized devshirmes’ claims whose minds poisoned by foreign ideologies, the reality remains that all these identities still exist today, with their languages, cultures, and beliefs intact, as proof of this Islamic legacy. In this context, what all the devshirmes who think that Islam is an ordinary religion or code it as such and have internalized this modern perception of religion do not understand; the war waged by this global gangs against Islam is not a classical war of religions, but a war of political economy and hegemony. Moreover, it is the symbolic code of the ontological struggle between humanization and demonization. Islam is “more” than a religion. Islamism is the claim of this “more” and is the name of defending not the dominance of religiosity, but the honor, existence and survival of the people of this entire geography, and the honorable accumulation of its history. All kinds of ideological fruitcakes whose minds have been poisoned by British political economy, French sociology, German ideologies, Russian geopolitics, American power and Israeli money, must first learn to understand Islam not as a religion, but as a universal and historical dynamic of existence.

Indiaization of the World

The Indiaization of the world, or rather the Indiaizing, is a metaphorical concept by which we mean the hegemony of Aryan racism, that is, the Indo-Aryan fundamentalism that the western white man ascribes to himself, regardless of the country called India today. In this sense, historical India, to which anti-human global tyrants attribute their roots, is a wide area defined as the Indo-Iranian basin, extending from the Euphrates to Herat, from Baghdad-Basra-Eastern Arabia-Yemen to Tibet, from the Caspian Sea to the Bangladesh. Hundreds of tribes, beliefs, sects, languages, religions, sciences, techniques, politics and war cultures that emerged from this basin have been dispersed around the world with a population transfer averagely every thousand years. In this sense, India is the name of an “entity” that is larger than the country of 1.5 billion people called India today, whose official name is Bharat. That’s exact entity, Indiaization or Aryanization, is a necessary conceptualization to understand today’s the world correctly.

The successors of the Indian elements who migrated to the west during the Migration Period, two thousand years ago, have been trying to take over the control of the whole world with their white superior selected race theories and the mask of the western white man they have promulgated with the Indo-European and Indo-Aryan theses for the last two hundred years. The Westernization of the world was achieved through the dominance of capitalist production relations. It seems that the Aryan caste, which has now embarked on a new quest, has now moved to a different stage with new digital technology and asymmetric-hybrid warfare methods. This caste, not content with the hegemony that they achieved through wars and technological superiority in the last century, by turning to the communities they had chosen- for example, the Jews – first by beating them, and now training, strengthening/rewarding them, they have tend to make them devshirmes and make them similar to themselves, that is, to diversify and multiply their own lineage. They will seize those of the other peoples that they can assimilate in line with their goals, as privileged slaves, and use them in their regional-local projects. They are making moves to exterminate the remained human garbage (!) through hunger, famine, disease, war, deprivation of mind and immorality. India exemplifies this process.This tragic country, where institutionalized-internalized-taken-for-granted forms of hunger and greed and all kinds of evil inspired by this situation have become destiny, is now a mirror of destiny for the whole world. There are one million gods, five million religions, ten million preachers, one hundred million tribes in India, but there is one truth: This vileness is not destiny. This disgusting hell is the work of the greedy demon noble upper castes.

Those familiar with India’s caste system can see that a global caste system is being constructed and those who know India’s religious and mythological diversity, on the other hand, can also recognize that the humanity’s ancient beliefs, knowledge, traditions, and faiths are being deformed thus it is as if the memory is reset to zero via the films, TV programmes, gaming, pornography, information technology, and finance industries. This reset aims to construct a new universe, nature, world, humanity, life, economy, history, science, and culture. For example; the class difference between the upper and lower castes, the dependent and empathetic position of the lower castes, and the lower castes called Dravidians, which were anonymous people in ancient history, are actually the ancestors of today’s Jews and gypsies, have begun to openly spread a lifestyle of rude and aggressive behavior developed with the motivation to imitate the upper castes. Today, versions of the attitudes that institutionalized and packaged as an organized way of life and that can be found in any society or individual more or less in an unorganized way, like worshiping money, unlimited and reasonless fun, deviant relationships, alcohol addiction, drug use, gambling, extramarital affairs, pedophilia, zoophilia, homosexuality, sodomy, prostitution, nudity, voyeurism, theft, deception, perverted heretical beliefs, astrological fortune telling and witchcraft, ancestor spiritualism, tribalism, and sectarianism, etc., are being constantly imposed by packing these behaviors with attractive concepts as modernism, being contemporary, excellence, elitism, sophistication, progressivism and unfortunately these villain habits are almost become a global lifestyle and identity. This is the summary of Aryanization-Aryan hegemony. The devilish lifestyle of the upper caste is injected into all humanity, appropriate dose for each stage, as poor imitations. And the aim is to condemn humanity to live in a huge slave field, a garbage dump, by eating, crushing and consuming each other.

Using the wealth it possess—stolen from humanity through economic manipulation— this demonic center wages war against humanity, Human’s-Adam’s ancient heritage, beliefs, traditions, families, morals, personalities, and values. Recognizing what they are and what they aim to achieve, and interpreting all developments in this context, is essential for taking necessary precautions. While they lead the human communities that they have turned into a herd of sheep by wasting their energy through imposing them constant media suggestions, the fascinating and destructive effect of war and death, the preoccupation with economic problems and the encouraged immoral relationships, they also buy and neutralize the ruling elites of the so-called states with money and by meeting their lustfulness, thus creating states and armies that seem to exist but are hollow power images and of no values.

In the continuation of this process, a permanent global official ideology that theorizes this enslavement will be imposed on humanity. By the 2030s, new religions, ideologies, and philosophies will begin to be discussed. Over the past 500 years, theories and theses defining the conceptual and theoretical frameworks of all dominant beliefs, systems, and ideologies we experienced today were produced in the 30s of each century and quickly spread around the world—especially during the 1730s, 1830s, and 1930s. We are still consuming the final products of those ideologies. History has such peculiar cycles. By 2030, they will introduce new global pagan-animist religions and ideologies tailored to every geography, society, and individual. Accompanied by new discoveries, theories, and inventions, they will preach to their sheep-like masses that many things previously considered true are false, and vice versa.

The Resistance Front Against the Willpower That Destroyed Andalusia

Over the past 15 years, events such as the coup carried out by Sisi in Egypt, the massacres by Iran-Russia-Nusayri forces in Syria, and most recently the Zionist atrocities in Gaza have went down in history as examples of oppression witnessed by billions and countless governments as if they were watching TV series, powerless to counteract. This cruelty is the continuation of the crusader aggression that destroyed Andalusia, that is, the ancient war. The global crusaders, that have organized the ISIS-DAESH organization by releasing Saddam’s sold-out Baathist Republican guards from prisons, adding Afghan and desert Arab murderers and psychopaths in US-European-Russian prisons, together with pharisaistic gangs which organized by Persian Assassins like Qasem Soleimani-Nasrallah-Houthi leaders and with rafidhis, the remnants of the historical Crusades, called Nusayri, have drowned Iraq and Syria in blood and by supporting the army of the Egyptian fellahin and the grandsons of the pharaohs, they liquidated the Muslims, the only remaining humanize element of the Egyptian society and they organized 15 July coup attempt in Türkiye also by bringing numerous asymmetric war gangs organized as terrorist organizations that they have used aganist Türkiye for long time, like FETÖ, PKK, DAESH, DHKPC together and with intellegence personnels from Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt and UAE they held meetings with above mentioned terrorist organizations in Dubai for achieving coup d’etat in Türkiye. (The place called UAE-Dubai is the field of tribes that are originally from India but speak Arabic, and it is the new center where British-USA-Israeli preparations are being made to cause unrest in Muslim communities, just like Saudi Arabia.)

Any analysis fails to see that the thousand-year-old Crusader’s spirit, which is aiming to destroy the spiritual roots of our geography, these lands, that is, all indigenous dynamics, especially Islam and eastern Christianity and trying to de-Islamize the entire eastern Roman-Ottoman geography like Andalusia and distance it from the nation of Abraham, is still active and their main motivation is still to destroy these historical resistance dynamics, is meaningless and in fact, they are voices with a mission to obscure this reality. Neo-Nazi ideologies that injected into the Middle-East, like extreme nationalism (Turkism, Kurdishness, Arabism), leftism, rigid secularism (Kemalism), formalist, rude, bigoted, hypocritical, religiousism, desert nihilism (Wahhabism), etc., and religious or non-religious deformation organizations alongside Zionism, Armenianism, extremist Shiism, and Iranian expansionism are all asymmetric warfare tools of this Andalusization operation and modern Crusader assault. Aryan fascism has inherited and updated the crusading Catholic spirit, the Knights Templar, Rosicrucian orders, and their local collaborators, the Assassins, into new hegemonic soldiers—albeit now without the guise of Christianity but driven by their satanic ambitions.

In opposition, even the most basic, primitive, and organic religious understandings—true Sunni Islam, authentic Alevi/Bektashi traditions, local Armenian/Greek Christian communities, Sufi orders, or natural and organic ethno-cultural identities and traditions—are resistance dynamics. Without framing the discussion within these red lines, no idea is genuine or significant.

The “Indiaization” of the world signifies an effort to update the hegemony of the global Aryan-rooted Rafidism* through new science and technology. This domination aims to transform the world into a plantation for themself, as they did with Andalusian civilization.

This global aggression from shaped global caste system through global political economy that reduces humanity to classes of herded sheep, that targets ontological existence of mankind, that is, targeting female-male gender identities of human, mental and physical health, the home, the family, the morality, the libertarian Abrahamic monotheistic faith, the environment, the climate, the nature, the creatures, the child, the women and that keep exploiting the women and the children, that continues to deform and ruined their normal flow of life, necessiates a global struggle that must correctly identify it and hit it in the right place.

Anyone with even an ounce of humanism, reason, and morality left must now clarify their stance, abandon all imposed identities, all motivations for contradictions and conflicts, all dishonorable, immoral, and disgraceful lifestyles, all impulses of wealth, lustfulness for reputation, and authority, and must transform all their powers into tools of war, taking their place in the ancient struggle for freedom waged by Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon all of them).

What Is Türkiye?

Türkiye, with its roots in Eastern Rome, Seljuks, Ottomans, and with its Republican experience, and with its mission as the ancient homeland of the Abrahamic nations, with its continuing thousand-year struggle in its authentic front against those who seek to sever these roots, with its quest to not be like Andalusia, on behalf of humanity, on behalf of the people of the region, on behalf of Anatolia, on behalf of all elements of the Abrahamic nation and with its desire to progress on this path, in order not to be the weak target of ancient aggression in the process, by targeting the attackers themselves with its thousand-year regulatory willpower, it is a citadel to be fortified. Its unity, stability, and survival is vital and non-negotiable precisely for this reason.

All other issues must first be discussed, questioned, and restructured on this basement. The inviolable and irreplaceable values are not the third-rate ideologies fabricated by the fascist September 12 coup leaders, but the mission, faith, and values that give spirit to the ancient cause of these lands.

All revolutionist, honorable, and faithful individuals who do not bow to Aryan fascism’s global dominance must be seen as allies in this great battle and must be prepared for war with their all weapons against these cruel forces who give us the corpses of our children and then make fun of us. Everything, without exception, is now a tool of war. Humanity of Abrahamaic nations will eventually uproot this demonic lineage both at their own homes and globally.

This country is the most critical front of this struggle—the strategic stronghold of Adam’s lineage, of cosmic existence. It is the rose in the water, the river in the rose. That’s wyh it worth to die for the flow of its river.

Whoever fails to align their fate with this country’s mission is, no matter their excuse, on the side of the Crusaders and a target. Everyone, if still themself, must awaken and return to authentic themselves.

If the world’s demons want another world war, aiming for new Andalusian genocides, let them remember: Now all their houses are made of glass and now all the stones are Palestinian.

The aide of the tyrants in the world are always the base and debauched
Only the hound enjoys serving the cruel hunter, at his side crouched

What a charm you laid upon us, o, the sweet face of Lady Freedom
Though we are freed of slavery, your love enslaved us beneath your dome!

O, Hope, our hope for the future, what a hearty lover you have been
You are, she who delivered us, and the world, from the grief and the pain

(Namık Kemal)


*Rafidism refers to deviations rooted in Aryan traditions that oppose the People of the Book. In Sunni tradition, this term is used as derogatory definition for Alevism. This is an immoral epithet. There are, Sunni-Wahhabi Rafidism-that is a type of religiousism that looks like Ahl al-Sunnah but is essentially Indian-, kamalist Rafidism, leftist, nationalist Rafidism also. All demagogic abuse or slander, insult and humiliation speech against the People of the Book, especially Islam, is Rafidism. Most Alevis, the People of the Book and the People of the Islam, are honorable believers within the Abrahamic faith tradition.

Ahmet Özcan

Ahmet Özcan
Ahmet Özcan studied at Istanbul University Faculty of Communication between 1984 and 1993. He has worked in the fields of publishing, editing, production and writing. He is the founder ofYarın Publications and news website and uses a pseudonym in his writings.
His articles have been published in magazines such as İmza (1988), Yeryüzü (1989-1992), Değişim (1992-1999), Haftaya Bakış (1993-1999), Ülke (1999-2001) and Türkiye ve Dünyada Yarın (2002-2006). His books include For a New Republic, Deep State and Opposition Tradition, Symphony of Silence, Şeb-i Yelda, Rethinking, Geopolitics of Theology, Ottoman's Withdrawal from the Middle East, Open Letters, Man Without a Cause is Not a Man, Faith and Islam, Let's Give Flowers to Defeated Rebels, Tawhid Justice Freedom and State Nation Politics.
Personal website: -
E-mail: [email protected]

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