Kritik Bakış Dergisi | Akıl-Fikir-Erdem
Figures close to the Kremlin, such as Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of Russia in Global Affairs, writes under the subtitle “The Role Russia Should Adopt...
And what light might Capital shed on the planetary ecological catastrophe unfolding in the 21st century? Especially since Marx joined
Diamond surely also knows that Trump would stand in the way of his proposal for a global crusade against autocracy.
Israel is in serious trouble. Its citizens are deeply divided, and this situation is unlikely to improve. It is bogged
Financial markets are zero-sum. Renaissance was making money, so someone else was losing it. Who? There were diverse conclusions about
Throughout history, leaders have sought to reshape the Middle East. From the heights of my village on Mount Lebanon
The “peak China” narrative fails to capture the country’s paradoxical trajectory. Trumpeting only China’s vulnerabilities, it trumpets the fear that
Journalist and writer Kemal Öztürk was in Syria to witness the first days of the Syrianrevolution. He conducted the first interview with Colani-Ahmet Shara, the...
The late 1930s witnessed a critical period in the political relations between Türkiye and Syria. The Hatay issue was a milli dava (national cause) for...
The Ottoman Empire, as a state, responded differently. However, in regions that were neverpart of the Empire, had separated from it earlier, or were nominally...
There has never been a place called Israel in history,...
The text signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland could motivate more...
In response to Russian Geopolitics*, translated into Turkish in 2004,...
The Assad regime was neither the last secular regime in...
Etched into the dark history of Syria, the Assad regime’s...
Like Iraq and Syria, Iran has destabilized Yemen. Through its...
For those whose hearts beat with the revolutionary Syrian people,...
US President Dwight Eisenhower coined the term 'American Military-Industrial Complex....