Social Gender: An Inhuman Postmodern Rhetoric

The concept of social gender has transformed into a propaganda tool in contemporary times, devoid of any scientific methodology and aimed at undermining societal order. Groups hiding behind this concept deny humannature in their pursuit of creating an artificial world, reducing it to an object tobe molded according to the limitless desires of laissez-faire laissez-passercapitalism.
January 24, 2025

The concept of social gender has transformed into a propaganda tool in contemporary times, devoid of any scientific methodology and aimed at undermining societal order. Groups hiding behind this concept deny humannature in their pursuit of creating an artificial world, reducing it to an object tobe molded according to the limitless desires of laissez-faire laissez-passercapitalism.

The Loss of Truth: Postmodernism and Scientific Hegemony

Science serves as a guide in humanity’s pursuit of truth; however, this guidanceis often overshadowed by trends, ideological pressures, and hegemonic forces. Today, the rhetoric presented under the banner of “social genderexemplifiessuch scientific hegemony, imposing a fascistic pressure on opposing views.

Postmodernism has left humanity displaced, aimless, and directionless, plungingindividuals into an incurable state of vertigo through the turbulence it has created.

The essence of postmodernism has driven humanity away from its quest formeaning, casting it into an endless void. This movement, which reduces realityto social constructs, denies the universality of truth, disrupts foundationalconstants, and severs humanity’s branch to cling to. The fixed point of thecompass is now detached from the ground; humanity is condemned to driftrather than engage in a settled search for truth.

This approach, which challenges truth, justice, aesthetics, and ethics, alsodisrupts humanity’s ways of knowing, perceiving, and understanding. Suchrhetoric asserts that not only truth but also values are relative. It preventshumanity from uniting on a common moral ground and tears apart socialsolidarity. As a result, the universal dimensions of justice, aesthetics, and ethicshave been lost in the blind abysses of postmodernism.

Social Gender: A Challenge to the Fundamentals of Nature

The concept of social gender has transformed into a propaganda tool in contemporary times, devoid of scientific methodology and targeting societalorder. Groups hiding behind this concept deny human nature in their pursuit of creating an artificial world, reducing it to an object to be molded for theboundless desires of laissez-faire laissez-passer capitalism.

Postmodern nihilism, as it has done with all grand narratives and constants, has succeeded in severing the human body from its natural essence. This rupture has cut humanity’s connection with its core, leaving it distant from its innate natureand vulnerable to drift. However, we must not allow this drift to continue.

Efforts to redefine an individual’s gender on a social basis have devolved into an inhuman ideology. This ideology, detached from scientific grounding due to itsown dogmatic discourse, imposes a fascistic and oppressive attitude under theguise of a fabricated legitimacy. No despotism has ever hidden behind such a refined veil of legitimacy. Academia, governments, NGOs, internationalorganizations, and the media function as the so-called democratic apparatus of a modern tyranny.

Biological Reality and Social Manipulation

Gender identity is a biological reality and an inseparable part of human nature. However, the social gender approach rejects genetic, hormonal, andneuroscientific realities, reducing the biological differences between men andwomen entirely to social factors. This reductionist perspective undermines theinteraction between nature and society, obstructing a holistic understanding of human nature.

The discourse of social gender treats the biological and the social as dichotomous, pitting them against each other on a platform of conflict andignoring nature’s determinative influence on human beings. This is not merely a scientific error but also a social illusion.

This ideological framework, which disregards nature and seeks to reducehumanity to a mere social construct, not only contradicts scientific evidence but also weakens the foundation of social bonds. Considering the biological andsocial dimensions of human nature together is not only a requirement forscientific accuracy and integrity but also an essential necessity in humanity’seffort to make sense of its own existence.

The Last Bastion of Nature: The Family

The ultimate target of social gender rhetoric is the family, the most ancientinstitution in human history. This rhetoric has uprooted the family under theguise of diversity, relativizing its values and rendering them baseless. As a result, the foundation of a family-centered vision of society has been eroded.

The social gender approach has manipulated reality through language anddiscourse; gender-neutral expressions replacing fundamental concepts such as womanandmanormotherandfatherhave severed people’s connectionto nature in the process of forming their identities.

This rhetoric, disguised as a call for freedom, is, in fact, a war against freedom. Armed with fascistic instruments of repression, it silences voices opposing thesocial degeneration it has created and unilaterally determines the boundaries of acceptable and reasonable science.

This brazen and reckless war against nature has led to such profound anddestructive consequences that only the familybroken and battered though it may be—remains standing. This structure, where human beings develop bothspiritually and socially, and learn values such as love, compassion, andresponsibility, is not merely a social institution; it represents the existential rootsof humanity. Therefore, defending the family is not just an effort to seek socialorder but also an expression of fidelity to human nature and truth. Against thedestructive effects of social gender rhetoric, it is both an individual and societalresponsibility to elevate the family as a value once again and to preserve itsindispensable role in human history.

When this last bastion of nature is destroyed, humanity risks losing its hopes forthe future. Therefore, defending the family is not a choice—it is a necessity.

Epilogue: Loyalty to Nature and Truth

Throughout history, humanity has existed in harmony with nature and truth. Thedrift brought about by postmodernism and its product, the social genderapproach, has severed humanity from its roots. Yet, we can stand against thisrupture. By defending truth, justice, moral values, and aesthetics, we can redirect humanity’s course back to the light of truth. For loyalty to truth is humanity’s greatest freedom.

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