Lords of Capital

Forming a black hole in the financial world, originally called the City of London in England, which even the King could not intervene in, and described as a state within a state, thisleague, which has been managing world finance since the 19th century, has taken over theeconomic and political management of the Western world after being fully integrated into theUS economy after World War II.
November 15, 2024


In this article, we will take a close look at the Lords League of world finance, which includesVanguard, Black Rock, State Street, Fidelity, NewYork Mellon, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Capital Research, and other global investment bankers, which manage morethan $30 trillion in total, and which form a formidable spider web with their ownershipinterests, including representation on the board of directors

% Shareholding Companies

Vanguard Black Rock State Street Fidelity JP Morgan Capital Research

Largest Investment Companies / Banks

Black Rock 8.3 1.1 4.9

State Street 11,7 3 2

Fidelity 9.5 2.9

NewYork Mellon 8.2 4.1 5.3

JP Morgan 9 4.4 4.3 1.27 1.41

Goldman Sachs 8.3 4.5 6 2.3

Morgan Stanley 6.3 3

Bank of America 7.3 3.8 3.6 1.8 1.2

Citigroup 8.4 4.8 4.3

Pepsi, Coca Cola, Apple, Nestle, McDonald’s, Microsoft, Warner Bros, Tesla, Toyata, Mercedes, British Petroleum, Novartis, Boeing, Starbucks, Domino’s and thousands of otherglobal brands that you can think of, all have partnership shares that include representation in the board of directors; The league of lords, which conceals the mastermind behind thisenormous power with its bewildering partnership structures among themselves, has literallycornered all of humanity, especially nation states.

% Shareholding Investment Institutions

Vanguard Black Rock State Street Capital Research Jp Morgan

Largest Car Companies

Tesla 6.8 1.2 0.5

Mercedes 2.8

Toyota 2.5

BMW 2,2

Largest Packaged Beverage Companies

Nestle 3.5 2.2 1.7

Pepsi 9.1 5.1 4.2

Coca Cola 8.1 4.6 4

General Mills 8.5 7.1 5.6 8.7

Mondolez 8.6 4.7 4.3 4.1

Largest Fast Food Companies

Domino’s 10.8 6.4 4.3 2.3

Starbucks 8.8 4.5 4 2.4 1

Restaurant Brands 2,3 13

McDonald’s 8.9 4.8 4.8 4.7 1.2

This league, which has emerged as a black hole in the financial world, which is a reflection of a power that has spread from a tiny piece of land that has ruled world finance since the 19th century, which was originally called the City of London in the UK, where even the Kingcould not intervene, and which is called the City of London and is subject to special laws in an area of a few square kilometers, which is characterized as a state within a state, has fullyintegrated into the US economy after World War II and then took over the economic andpolitical management of the Western world.

Today, the global actors of the League of Lords, who hold all of the largest investment banksand gigantic investment funds trading on the world’s stock exchanges, who play all sorts of games in the financial markets of underdeveloped and developing countries, and who arepartners in the banking systems of nation states through these investment banks and funds, arealso highly influential in the decisions of institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank, theFED, the ECB and the BoE. Not only these institutions operating in the field of economy andfinance, they also control the management of organizations such as UNESCO, WFP and FAO through their representatives at the top with their high donations and the management advicethey give to the budgets/funds of these organizations.

With their shareholdings in the world’s largest media conglomerates, they literally hold an extraordinary power in the line between politics and commerce. With dozens of global television channels, newspapers, film production companies, radio stations and magazines, they have the power to determine the actors of social and political life who will stand out orwho will be put into the ground, and they have the power to manage the perception of thenations of the world in any way they wish.

I think I need only mention some of the media outlets controlled by the media conglomerateNews Corp. in which the League of Lords has significant ownership stakes with executiverights:

Times, Sunday Times, Sun and News of the World Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Times, Sunday Times, Sun, News of the World, Herald Sun, The Australian, Fox TV, FoxNews, National Geographic, Star, Sky Italia, British Sky

With such global media power, it is hard to imagine what has been done so far in terms of perception management and what can be done in the future.

% Shareholding Investment Institutions

Vanguard Black Rock State Street Fidelity Capital Research

Largest Media Companies

Warner Bros 9.8 4.4 4.4 4.8

Comcast 9 4.7 3.9 1.9 8.7

Walt Disney 7.7 4.9 4

Paramount 9.2 4.4 5

News Corp 13.7 4.8 4.9

Let’s talk about the defense industry. Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Boeing, Northrop, G. Dynamics, all major companies that produce weapons worldwide are among thecompanies that the League of Lords has hooked and included in their management. Thesecompanies, which we come across in all bloodshed-ridden geographies of the world, appearas the foremost apparatus in all kinds of destabilization operations of the US. For example, allUS aid to the YPG in Syria is provided by Lockheed Martin. This company is the owner of the biggest power in the Pentagon… Another giant arms company, Raytheon, which is amongthe partners of the League of Lords, is especially involved in the arming of Taiwan againstChina and Ukraine against Russia. Billions of dollars in deals and aid packages are in thepipeline for conflicts that have already started or are likely to start.

% Shareholding Investment Institutions

Vanguard Black Rock State Street Fidelity Jp Morgan Morgan Stanley Wellington Management Capital Research

Largest Arms Companies

Lockheed Martin 8.3 4.9 15 2.2 1.4 1.2 2.9

Raytheon 8.2 1.4 2.5 7.7

Boeing 7.6 2.4 4.6

Northrop 4.6 9.3 2.7 2.1 3 3.8 10.4

G.Dynamics 7.8 4.1 3.6 2.2 5.3 3

Let’s take a look at the pharmaceutical industry. Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Novartis, theworld’s leading pharmaceutical manufacturers, are the companies with the most criticalinvestments of the Lords League. Although they have investments in other companiesoperating in the pharmaceutical sector, these three are extremely important as they are thestars of the world in their respective fields. Considering the controversial vaccination processduring Covid-19, it is not difficult to understand that the Lords League has some hiddenagendas with pharmaceutical companies.

% Shareholding Investment Institutions

Vanguard Black Rock State Street Wellington Management Capital Research

Largest Pharmaceutical Companies

Johnson & Johnson 9.8 5.3 5.9 1 1.1

Pfizer 8.5 5.2 5 4.1 3.5

Novartis 3.2 1

Now it is the turn of oil. Among the partners of the biggest players in the petro-dollar system, which makes the US dollar the world’s reserve currency, we again find members of theLeague of Lords. Exxon Mobil, which appears at the top of the table, is a remarkablecompany in that it is directly descended from John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Companyand is an extremely powerful actor in terms of US oil history. In a multi-billion-dollar market, it is very puzzling that the investment companies that are partners of the biggest players havetangled partnerships with each other. Moreover, in the history of these organizations, therehave been numerous complaints to the judicial authorities about monopoly in the oil market…

% Shareholding Investment Institutions

Vanguard Black Rock State Street Fidelity Capital Research

Largest Oil Companies

Exxon Mobil 9.2 2.2 1.5

Total Energies 3.2 1.1 2.4

British P. PLC 4.3 3 0.8

Chevron 8.3 4.7 6.4 1

Marathon Petroleum 8.8 0.7 0.7

Another important investment area for the members of the League of Lords is the real estatesector. In the shareholding structures of the world’s largest real estate companies, Vanguard, Black Rock, and State Street, the biggest trio of the Lord’s League, appear again with theirenormous shareholdings.

% Shareholding Investment Institutions

Vanguard Black Rock State Street

Largest Real Estate Companies

Brookfield Corp 2.5

American Tower 12.5 4.8 4.4

Simon Property 13.6 6.9 6.9

Annaly Capital 9.4 9.8 3.3

In addition to these traditional sectors, members of the League of Lords have, of course, beenquick to find seats on the boards of technology companies that have become the world’s mostvaluable companies. The members of the Lords League, who have invested in many future-designing companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet and Meta since their early years, were not even mentioned when the billion-dollar fortunes of the business people at the headof these companies were being discussed. As always, they continued to invest quietly anddeeply and to find a place at the tables of those who changed the world.

Shareholder Investment Institutions

Vanguard Black Rock State Street Fidelity Capital Research

Largest Technology Companies

Apple 7.9 4.2 3.7 1.7

Microsoft 8.3 4.6 3.9 2.4 2.4 2.4

Alphabet 7.7 4.5 3.6 3.2

Meta 7.7 4.6 4 5.2 3.2

It is possible to see members of the League of Lords among the shareholders of hundreds of giant Western companies that we have not mentioned in this article but that you can think of. Many of the companies that you cannot see their direct shareholding in are owned byinvestment banks such as Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morga, etc., which operate in thestock exchanges of many countries around the world.

It is very difficult to fully comprehend or even imagine the power of this complex network, which we call theLeague of Lordsbecause it is the product of an inconceivable capitalpower that has grown over a period of hundreds of years from an area located in the city of London in England, where even the laws are specially designed for the financial world, andspread around the world, especially in the USA, over all sectors and nation states.

Although the most powerful of them all seems to be Black Rock, with an enormous size of approximately 10 trillion dollars, an analysis of their ownership structure reveals that theflagship of the Lords League is Vanguard. The number three in the league is State Street. Thestrange thing is that even the earliest of these three firms that manage the world’s finance has a history of only 48 years despite such enormous power. What is even more interesting is thatwhen all of them are traced through their complex partnerships with each other, no realperson can be reached through the networks interwoven with the firms. In other words, theowners of the firms were each other’s owners until Vanguard, and in Vanguard, thepartnership structure was not shared and the company announced the existence of thousandsof partners without mentioning their names.

In addition, when the career backgrounds and social relations of the top executives of thecompanies are analyzed, and when the relations with other large former investment bankscontrolled through partnership are analyzed, we come to the fact that the League of Lords is a league of Jewish capital.

Considering their work in finance since the Middle Ages and their activities in London since the start of the Bank of England in the 17th century, such as the establishment of the City of London in return for a loan to the king, it is not surprising that the League of Lords is a gigantic financial organization that has emerged as a result of 4 centuries of work by Jewishbankers.

In the 19th century, with the Napoleonic Wars, this capitalist power was politicized in a serious way, and the first scene in history where this capitalist power appeared most clearly in political terms was undoubtedly the Balfour Declaration.

With the Balfour Declaration, which was signed by Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour andwent down in history under his name, the British government declared that it would supportthe establishment of a national homeland for the Jewish people” in Palestine, which was thenOttoman territory and where the Jewish population was a small minority.

Balfour sent the declaration as an attachment to a letter addressed to Lord Walter Rothschild, a Jewish leader and the number one banker of the City of London in England.

Lord Rothschild was the most prominent proponent of Zionism, the idea of establishing an independent state in what was then called Palestine, the land that the Jews considered theirhistoric homeland”, stretching from the east bank of the Jordan River to the MediterraneanSea, and was also the president of the British Zionist Federation.

The text of the declaration was published in the newspapers on November 9, 1917, a weekafter it was sent to Lord Rothschild by letter, and thus the public was informed about theissue.

It was also the first open support for Zionism by the most powerful and influential country in the world.

When the above-mentioned League of Lordsshareholding in the world’s most powerfulcompanies (most of which are US companies) and in the huge investment funds/banks thatmanage world finance are put in the frame at the same time as the historical record of British Foreign Secretary Balfour’s letter, it becomes very simple to understand US Secretary of StateAntony Blinken, who, during his visit to Israel, openly stated, “I am here as a Jew, too, despite all the atrocities . Only the names of the actors have changed. As much as Britain, which was about to collapse financially at the end of World War I, was dependent on Jewishbankers, the US is even more dependent on them today.

In short, history continues to repeat itself and Israel continues to oppress thanks to itssupporters who have captured world finance

R. Levent Işık

Levent Işık
Levent Işık was born in Istanbul in 1988. In 2011, he graduated from Gazi University, Department of Public Administration and Political Science. He completed his master's degree in the same field at Manisa Celal Bayar University Institute of Social Sciences.
He worked as a bank inspector between 2011-2021. Since 2021, he has been working as a bank branch manager. His articles on economy and history are published in Diriliş Postası, Milat newspapers and Z Report magazine.

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