Ahmet Özcan

Ahmet Özcan Ahmet Özcan studied at Istanbul University Faculty of Communication between 1984 and 1993. He has worked in the fields of publishing, editing, production and writing. He is the founder ofYarın Publications and haber10.com news website and uses a pseudonym in his writings. His articles have been published in magazines such as İmza (1988), Yeryüzü (1989-1992), Değişim (1992-1999), Haftaya Bakış (1993-1999), Ülke (1999-2001) and Türkiye ve Dünyada Yarın (2002-2006). His books include For a New Republic, Deep State and Opposition Tradition, Symphony of Silence, Şeb-i Yelda, Rethinking, Geopolitics of Theology, Ottoman's Withdrawal from the Middle East, Open Letters, Man Without a Cause is Not a Man, Faith and Islam, Let's Give Flowers to Defeated Rebels, Tawhid Justice Freedom and State Nation Politics. Personal website: www.ahmetozcan.net - www.ahmetozcan.net/en E-mail: [email protected]