Understanding ‘Trump’s America’

The game plan, which is presented as Trump's madness but aims to completely change the rules of the game in order to win the game determined for the upcoming period by one wing in America in particular and the West in general, means that a very long global struggle awaits us.
March 12, 2025

America vs. the United Kingdom, Nationalists vs. Globalists, or Understanding Trump’s America

“We Hungarians have been rebelling against the liberal-globalist empire for 15 years. Our struggle continues, but there is a significant difference: under President @realDonaldTrump, the United States has joined the revolt. Our goal is no longer to resist, maneuver, or survive, it is to win!”

— From Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Address to the Nation

With Trump’s re-election as U.S. president, the transformation perceived as the rise of China, and more broadly, Asia and the Global South, alongside the decline of the West and the North under U.S. leadership, has entered a new and sharp phase. During his previous term, Trump’s election as US president by winning more electors in the key states, despite receiving fewer votes with the slogan “Make America Great Again”, was actually a result of this accelerated transformation. However, Trump, who could not be elected for a second term due to the economic recession caused by the Covid pandemic and the efforts of various groups within the US, especially large technology companies, came back to power with a very interesting cabinet, winning both the general voter count and the majority in the Senate and the House of Representatives, as the dynamics that brought him to power for his first term did not disappear in the past four years.

Unlike his first term, the newly reinstated Trump appeared to be focused on everything except China. As soon as he came to power, he came up with a series of projects that changed the map, from buying Greenland, to seizing the Panama Canal, to renaming the Gulf of Mexico the American Gulf, to directly taking over Gaza for the US by exiling the Palestinians, to making Canada a new US province.

Contrary to popular belief, the only and more important issue for the America represented by Trump is not the possibility of America’s global dominance ending due to the rise of China. The America represented by Trump, if we leave aside Trump’s personality and the rhetoric characteristics that reflect it, has completely different ideas and solutions than the established Western (America and Europe) elites on the issues of what America is, what it should be, and the form the world should take, and although it may seem new, it represents a very old and deep-rooted stream within America.

Trump’s America, as evident from Elon Musk’s X posts accusing global banker George Soros, who is famous for speculative financial operations signed with Quantum fund based in the Dutch Antilles and for colorful political revolutions carried out through the civil society organization Open Society, of “trying to destroy Western civilization,” sees globalists, led by global financial capital, as the real enemy (1). Despite acknowledging that China and the rising Global South pose a significant challenge to U.S. global hegemony, Trump’s America prioritizes defeating the globalist structure led by the British monarchy, royal families, and financial elites and, eventually transforms the West and sustains American supremacy.

For Trump’s America, China is a power to be restrained and kept in check, whereas the globalists are the true adversary that must be defeated. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s statement on X on February 23rd—”We Hungarians have been rebelling against the liberal-globalist empire for 15 years. Our struggle continues, but there is a significant difference: under President @realDonaldTrump, the United States has joined the revolt. Our goal is no longer to resist, maneuver, or survive, it is to win!“—clearly articulates this mindset. This echoes Trump’s first-term speech at the United Nations, where he declared, “The future belongs not to the globalists but to the patriots,” a statement that was met with strong reactions from former President Barack Obama’s advisors. Similarly, Trump’s America has chosen as its primary target and adversary the centuries-old alliance between the British royal family, leading other royal families, and the financial capital represented by the “Court Jews,” the most famous example being the Rothschild family, along with the aristocratic classes and for this reason, the renowned Russian strategist Alexander Dugin has written books under the title “The Trump Revolution,” declaring Russia’s potential support or alliance with this struggle.

Politically, Trump’s America aligns with the Republican nationalist movement rooted in the first European settlers of North America, who fought a war of independence against Britain and this movement consists largely of conservative (Puritan) Protestant Christians (2) and, interestingly, some devout Catholics such as J.D. Vance, Marco Rubio, and Kennedy.

Trump’s America is an extension of the line of Locke[3] a very devout Protestant predecessor, in the divergence in the line of the Anglo-Scottish Enlightenment between (Thomas) Hobbes-(David) Hume who were the pioneers of atheism and deism and John Locke. Consequently, it is positioned against the cosmopolitan (citizen of the World, as opposed to the citizen of the Polis) represented by Soros, whose ideological roots are largely derived from Buddhism, whose religious color is orange, the Epicurean and Stoic line. Politically, among the two imperial structures that determined the political understanding of the West, it adopted the line of the Roman Empire, which was the first Western imperialist tribute-oriented and ultimately Christian empire, with its nation-state and Christian line, as opposed to the globalist approach that brought the East and the West together in the cosmopolitan Hellenistic empire that Alexander founded by defeating the Persian Achaemenids.

Trump’s America and the political structures defined as “far right” that it supports in Europe represent segments that have been sociologically damaged by the brutal globalization led by global finance capital since the 1990s, who felt the heavy burden of the 2008 economic crisis, and who have experienced crises that have reached serious dimensions with the Covid pandemic. The threat posed by Eastern powers, particularly China, and the Rising South to the West’s global dominance is strengthening and expanding this movement among the Western public.

The strategic game plan of Trump’s America includes the following objectives: To win the current geopolitical struggle and maintain American dominance, Trump aims to restructure both America and the West. Representing the religious conservative tradition that originally founded the United States, he seeks to restore the country to its foundational values. Trump wants to end the post-World War II alliance between American military power and global financial capital, an arrangement famously described by Winston Churchill as “lending our strength to the U.S.” Thus, instead of the interventionist line symbolized by Woodrow Wilson in US foreign policy, he wants to return the country to its position before 1945, or even before World War I, by returning it to the interest-based, if necessary, interventionist line represented by Theodore Roosevelt. To this end, the priority is to reduce the personnel and budget of structures such as the Pentagon and the CIA[4] that emerged after World War II, and instead to strengthen internal security institutions such as the FBI. Another move is the effort to take control of the FED, which has the authority to print US currency; in which global finance capital bankers are shareholders, through an unprecedented “supervision” practice.

Since Trump’s America embraces the theses of Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations, it seeks to control what it perceives as a serious threat to the U.S.’s cultural integrity—the foreign and Latin populations—and even aims to make English the official language of the state. In domestic governance, Trump strengthens constitutional order through decisions made by Supreme Court justices he appointed, reinforcing a system where federal states are prioritized over the centralized federal government, following a classic Southern Anti-Federalist approach. Preparations such as defunding the federal government and abolishing the Department of Education exemplify this stance.

Because they as Republican nationalists have declared war on the global dominance of royal families, they seek to take control of sovereign states such as Canada (5), which is under the British Crown, and Greenland, where the Danish Royal Family is the head of state, besides they aim both to strike a blow to these structures’ global dominance and to make America a key player in Arctic geopolitics, despite its lack of direct geographical connection to the region. Additionally, they seek to distance Gulf monarchies from other royal families and leverage their financial resources to compensate for the fiscal shortfall in their conflict with global financial capital.

Trump’s America is well aware that its strategy of returning to a pre-1945 global order would create power vacuums that could harm the U.S. Therefore, it acknowledges the necessity of forging alliances and restructuring the Western world. As part of its war against global financial capital and the cosmopolitan Woke culture it represents, Trump’s America views Putin’s Russia—due to its nationalist, Christian, and anti-British stance—as the most crucial ally against both globalists and China. Together with Russia, they aim to weaken the European Union—which they see as a globalist project—by bringing to power a new generation of politicians trained through former Trump advisor Steve Bannon’s (6) Christian-based global political academies across Europe and additionally, they seek to turn Germany into their ally in Europe, led by the AfD. They particularly seek to make Germany, under the leadership of the AfD (Alternative for Germany), a key European ally. Ultimately, their goal is to rebuild the Western world based on Christian and conservative nation-states.

Trump’s America has several other tactical objectives, including gaining superiority over China in artificial intelligence, rare elements, and unmanned technologies; establishing dominance over social and traditional media in its war against globalists—especially Soros—whom it accuses of trying to destroy Western civilization; weakening New York’s position as a hub of financial capital by creating a separate stock exchange and financial center in Texas; and even, if possible, finding common ground with China and Iran to achieve these goals.

The game plan, which is presented as Trump’s madness but aims to completely change the rules of the game in order to win the game determined for the upcoming period by one wing in America in particular and the West in general, means that a very long global struggle awaits us.


[1] Perhaps the best indicator of Trump’s war against global finance capital is, statements of him and of those around him that he will go to see if the gold stored in Fort Knox is really there.

[2] The primary reason why these fundamentalist Protestants migrated to the harsh and inhospitable lands of America was their excommunication of the Anglican Church, which was led by the English King/Queen and maintained Catholic-like practices regarding icons and saints:

“Puritans were members of a religious reform movement known as Puritanism that arose within the Church of England in the late 16th century. They believed that the Church of England was too similar to the Roman Catholic Church and sought to remove certain non-Biblical ceremonies and practices. The Puritans felt that implementing these reforms was a necessary condition of their direct covenant with God… The Puritans were a religious movement that emerged as part of the Protestant Reformation in England in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Puritans immigrated to America to escape religious persecution in England and made significant contributions to the early political, social, and cultural structures of the United States.”

[3] The aspect of Trump’s America that most closely resembles Locke is its double standard on freedom of speech. While criticizing Europe for allegedly suppressing the “far right,” Trump’s administration simultaneously exhibited hypocrisy by revoking visas for pro-Palestinian foreign students and cutting university funding—resembling Locke’s own stance of defending free speech only for Protestants.

[4] The anti-Trump alliance formed by the Republican Neocon line led by former CIA Director George Bush, originally from Texas, and Bush Jr., with Biden and the Democrats is an important example worth mentioning at this point.

[5] It is worth noting that the core population of Canada consists of those who migrated there after the U.S. War of Independence due to their loyalty to the British Crown. The British monarchy’s sovereign power in Canada is stronger than in the U.K., Australia, or New Zealand.

[6] Former advisor Steve Bannon, who was forced to leave Trump’s side because he was not favored by Trump’s Jewish billionaire supporters, posted a picture of himself wearing a “Free Constantinople” T-shirt as a New Year’s celebration on January 1, just before Trump took office and similarly, Bannon’s statements that Iran is not the greatest threat, but rather Erdoğan, and Dugin’s tweet saying, “If the U.S. is a Christian state, it should overthrow the current government in Syria,” are significant expressions of the ideological framework of this group, reminiscent of the Crusades.

Cem Şenol

Cem Şenol
Associate Professor Dr. Cem Şenol was born in Erzurum in 1979 and grew up in Bursa. He graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law and he completed his master's and doctorate degrees in criminal law at Atatürk University and Marmara University Public Law Departments. He works as an associate professor in the Department of Crime and Criminal Procedure at Ataturk University Faculty of Law.

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