Human history has never recorded such an unjust concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. Nor has it ever witnessed this wealth becoming so dangerously powerful that it threatensto upend the world order.
In the famous Oval Office of U.S. Presidents—a place deeply familiar to us thanks toHollywood films—Elon Musk stands out as perhaps the most striking figure. With his hat, his mischievous child draped around his neck, and his informal attire, he presents an unconventional image.
As the U.S. agency USAID, which distributed aid and support funds to various parts of theworld, was being shut down, Musk addressed the press with a sarcastic and condescendingattitude, explaining how right this decision was. From time to time, Musk’s son X (just look at that name) taunted President Trump, saying, “You’re not the President; you should leave.”Meanwhile, Trump, forcing a smile, signed the executive order to dismantle USAID.
At the time of this signing, Musk possessed more wealth than the combined fortunes of onebillion people worldwide. His gaze implied that by cutting aid to many regions—includingsupport for those suffering from AIDS in Africa—he was securing great financial gains for his country. Yet, the $65 billion that this agency spent annually amounted to less than 1% of theU.S. budget and was not even a tenth of Musk’s fortune.
When The New York Times published critical editorials stating that “millions of children’s liveswere being destroyed due to the defunding of this institution,” Trump and his team scoffed at the reports. They dismissed it as outdated journalism, unworthy of serious consideration.
Musk did not view USAID’s operations from a humanitarian or moral perspective. “We’respending all this money—what do we gain in return?” This was the very question that Trump and his now untouchable overlord-like inner circle asked in every situation.
From NATO membership to the Palestinian issue, from trade relations to climate agreements, and finally to humanitarian aid, their perspective was shaped by this single question: “Whatdo we gain from this?”
Being a billionaire businessman himself, Trump built his team from individuals of the samemindset, and together they echoed this question. It is a question that depletes human values, destroys moral norms, and is as cold and emotionless as a digital screen.
This perspective ignores the 50,000 people who have died in Palestine and sees the forceddisplacement of 2 million people from their homeland as a justifiable act to turn Gaza’scoastline into a resort. It dismisses aid sent to children suffering from AIDS in Africa as unnecessary.
As the head of the Department of Government Efficiency, Musk began his tenure by shuttingdown USAID and laying off thousands of employees. It is not difficult to predict what he willdo next: he will close everything that does not generate profit for the United States.
Musk sees this as entirely normal, because the team he strategizes with expects him to do even more—and something even more terrifying.
As the U.S. media follows developments, it remains focused on Trump’s inner circle. Manydifferent labels have been assigned to these individuals, but perhaps the most striking one is “The PayPal Mafia.” Led by The Guardian, the entire Western media is compiling reportsand analyses on this group. Wikipedia has already published an entry on them.
The core members—Max Levchin, Keith Rabois, Reid Hoffman, Peter Thiel, David Sacks, and Elon Musk—all share two key traits: they were once employees of PayPal, and theybecame billionaires through technology. Another commonality? They all support Trump.
The entire team has lived a life built on “making money and ruthlessly eliminatingcompetitors.” These are intelligent yet emotionless individuals who have managed to survivein the brutal competition of Silicon Valley by outmaneuvering their rivals.
Now, they are shaping U.S. politics. Their first step is dismantling traditional bureaucracy, political traditions, norms, and regulations in the United States. That’s why they say, “Trump is God’s whip”—they will use him to implement their dark agenda. Musk has already takenthe first steps.
I suppose you thought they would use technology to make life easier. No, you are wrong. Peter Thiel is not particularly fond of democracy, David Sacks opposes multiculturalism… They all claim that in the future, only the strongest and most talented will survive. Theybelieve intelligent people should have many children to ensure their continued dominance. Elon Musk has 13 children.
That all of this is happening in a country that also possesses the world’s largest army andeconomy naturally concerns the entire world. At the moment Trump took his presidentialoath, the owners of Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter, standing side by side in support of him, had more wealth than the combined budgets of all African nations.
These mind-boggling billions make them feel as if they have the right to do whatever theywant, say whatever they want, and destroy whatever they want. Just like the feudal lords whoonce ravaged Europe, these people have created untouchable domains for themselves, believing that, in doing so, they can reshape the world.
No one can rival Google, YouTube, or Instagram—have you noticed? Before, they were untouchable due to capital and technology; now, they are untouchable due to political protection. When Europe attempted to introduce new regulations for these tech giants, Trump threatened, “We will impose sanctions on you too.”
Do you really believe that these companies, which are now handing over all our data in theMiddle East to Israel and helping it kill more people, will do anything good for humanity?
The reason they want to end the Ukraine-Russia war is not because 1.5 million people havedied, but because Ukraine holds the underground resources that technology companies desperately need.
These feudal overlords are not just targeting Muslims; they have also set their sights on Europe, Canada, Panama, Mexico, and China. Perhaps, in response, an alliance will emerge toput a stop to the U.S. and the feudal lords it has created, preventing them from setting theworld on fire.