Gender Dysphoria and Sexual Identity Confusion
Our biologically healthy children are being made to believe otherwise, and such conditions can easily become a trend among them. This process begins with gender dysphoria, followed by sexual identity confusion, and ultimately leads to homosexuality and even gender reassignment. Interviews with individuals who have undergone gender transition reveal their regrets and how they were led astray during the process. Research on homosexual and bisexual individuals indicates that they are more prone to sexually transmitted diseases, various psychological and psychiatric disorders—particularly suicide—and self-destructive behaviors such as alcohol and drug consumption.
A Socio-Political Perspective on the Causes
The family institution, one of the most fundamental elements for humans to fulfill their existential purpose and achieve perfection, has become a focal point for ill-intentioned individuals and organizations due to its profound significance. Certain lobbies and power groups, aiming to dismantle the family, render it dysfunctional, and thereby trigger a moral collapse in society, seek to manipulate and weaken individuals, making them more easily controlled and exploited. These groups play various games over sexual identity. Today, our children, young people, and even adults are being estranged from their families through so-called “artificial” issues such as gender dysphoria and sexual identity confusion. I call them “artificial” because many individuals who are not naturally experiencing such conditions are being persuaded that they are dissatisfied with their gender or that they have romantic feelings for the same sex. Abnormal orientations and gender reassignment, particularly homosexuality, which are presented as matters of individual choice and freedom, are becoming increasingly widespread in society.
Unfortunately, our society has not yet fully grasped the gravity of the situation. Some believe that such deviations have existed throughout human history and should not be brought up so frequently. However, what I want to highlight is not the existence of such deviations but rather how society perceives them. Until the 1970s, homosexuality was classified as a sexual and developmental disorder, but due to pressure on the American Psychiatric Association, it was removed from the category of mental illnesses. In 2018, in Europe, it was made illegal for homosexuals to receive any treatment aimed at returning to their “normal” identities. Same-sex marriages have been legalized in many countries. The number of individuals undergoing gender transition is increasing with state support and guidance from educational institutions.
Although the situation in our country has not yet reached this stage, individuals and organizations opposing homosexuality and gender reassignment are being accused of homophobia or of not respecting human rights and freedoms. Some university members, association members, and municipalities even openly or secretly support the LGBT movement, claiming that homosexuality, sexual identity confusion, and deviant orientations are not disorders but rather personal choices. Naturally, in their eyes, those of us who argue that “human beings were created as male and female, that anything outside of this is contrary to nature, and that such conditions should be treated while addressing their underlying causes” are labeled as “traditionalists, enforcers, or even backward-minded individuals unable to keep up with modern times.” Of course, the issue is not how they define us but how they portray us to our own children—how they alienate them from us and through what means. Let’s discuss these matters briefly in this article.
First of all, I should state that I am excluding individuals who have developed deviant sexual orientations due to life experiences, childhood traumas, or mental and physical disorders from this discussion. My aim here is to expose the ways in which the LGBT movement and structures that seek to corrupt the family institution for various purposes harm society.
Unfortunately, children are the primary target of these structures. As you know, the easiest way to reach them is through games, apps, and platforms. For example, on platforms such as Discord, WePlay, and Reddit, children are exposed to many immoral content such as violence, betting, gambling, especially sexuality in chat rooms. Even in games labeled as “suitable for children over the age of 4,” immoral acts such as kissing or even harassing the opposite sex or a same-sex partner are normalized in children’s minds. On game platforms such as Roblox, which has recently caused controversy, there are many games and parties that contain pornographic elements. Moreover, you may never know if your child plays these games, which are deleted after they are played. These platforms, which are supposedly designed to improve children’s skills, are designed in such a way that neither the state nor parents can monitor them. Through the chat rooms in the games, they specifically approach children, trying to break the bonds between them and their families and impose their own ideas on them. I would like to talk about TV series and song lyrics, reminding you that such games have many harmful effects on children, especially violence.
Today, many television series contain inappropriate content, and particularly K-dramas—widely watched in our country—are explicitly categorized as “boys love (BL)” and “girls love (GL)” on Turkish-dubbed or subtitled streaming sites. Similarly, in the music industry, especially in K-pop, perversion, harassment, violence, and gambling are promoted among young people.
Turkish songs, especially rap music, which is also popular among the youth, frequently instill misogyny and reach children of all ages, leading to troubling incidents that we sadly witness in the news. Social media further facilitates the spread of all this harmful content.
Apps that claim to offer filtering, such as YouTube Kids, fail to block homosexual or other deviant material. Social media algorithms, instead of protecting children, actually promote harmful content more aggressively. If you want to test this, click on a few pieces of content that are of interest to children on any platform, allow the algorithm to recognize you as a child, and observe the suggestions it provides.
All of these—obscene content accessed through the internet via games, TV series, music, and other channels—lead to early sexual awareness in children and even encourage them to engage in such activities. This causes confusion in children who have not yet developed a stable gender identity, making them easily manipulable. As a result, children can easily say among themselves—just as it has become fashionable—that they dislike their gender or even want to change it.
Another major contributor to this corruption is the fashion industry. Presenting itself as a form of “art,” the fashion industry influences society not only through the clothing it designs but also through the body standards it imposes. I must emphasize that the clothing styles we frequently encounter today and unconsciously adopt due to their popularity are neither purely artistic nor naturally emerging trends.
It is known that in the second half of the twentieth century, certain colors, such as green and red, or specific textile materials were particularly preferred by homosexuals as a way to recognize one another. Later, the sharp distinctions between male and female clothing began to disappear. Women’s clothing started resembling men’s, and men’s clothing started resembling women’s. Unfortunately, these styles, initially preferred by homosexuals, have spread globally under the label of fashion and are now also adopted by individuals with conventional sexual identities.
As a result of this growing demand, the fashion industry continues to operate effortlessly. This has led to the emergence of the concept of “genderless fashion,” which we frequently hear about today. Under this concept, societal decay is made visible, and what is visible gradually becomes normalized. This is precisely why LGBT organizations maintain a close relationship with the fashion industry.
Another method used by this sector is determining the “ideal” male and female body types and creating a negative body image. Individuals who do not meet the beauty standards imposed by society may develop various psychological issues, and in some cases, may even feel attracted to their same-sex counterparts who fit these standards. Especially in today’s world, where the human body receives more attention and interest than ever before in history, it is not surprising that such attractions are on the rise.
On the other hand, sometimes individuals or their families recognize issues related to sexual identity and seek help from a psychologist. Unfortunately, some psychologists, instead of addressing the problem, have the opposite effect. They persuade their clients to embrace deviant behaviors by normalizing them, encouraging them to live as they wish.
For this reason, choosing the right psychologist is of great importance. A psychologist’s school of thought and personal stance on this issue determine the course of therapy. Therefore, we must avoid psychologists who claim to accept any form of immorality with tolerance, normalize it, and even support it under the motto “be yourself.”
I think that, as a country, we do not give this issue enough attention. However, I frequently witness gender dysphoria among children and adolescents, often due to the factors mentioned above. In reality, biologically healthy children are made to believe otherwise, and these conditions easily become fashionable among them.
This process begins with gender dysphoria, followed by sexual identity confusion, and ultimately leads to homosexuality and even gender reassignment. Interviews with individuals who have undergone gender transition reveal their regrets and how they were misled throughout the process.
Research on homosexual and bisexual individuals indicates that they are more prone to sexually transmitted diseases, psychological and psychiatric disorders—particularly suicide—and self-destructive behaviors such as alcohol and drug consumption.
In various countries, people who are aware of this danger are working to protect children and families, establishing organizations for this purpose. Similar associations exist in our country as well. However, I would like to remind once again that the greatest responsibility lies with us, the parents.
We must constantly ask ourselves: How present are we in our children’s lives?