CBDC: The Expected Savior of the New World

The concept of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), frequently encountered over the pastfour years with the abbreviation CBDS, is preparing to take center stage as one of the mostsignificant players in economic developments in the coming years. Our world is undergoingrevolutionary transformations at an incredible pace, and CBDCs are poised to become a keycomponent of this change. So, what exactly is CBDC?

CBDC, or Central Bank Digital Currency, refers to digital assets created by central banksworldwide. These assets, often based on distributed ledger technology, are designed todigitally represent the official currency of the country in which they are issued. In otherwords, CBDCs are digital equivalents of a nation’s cash or deposit money, functioning as a state-backed alternative to traditional currency.

While the concept might initially evoke thoughts of cryptocurrencies, which have been amongthe most popular financial innovations in recent years, CBDCs are fundamentally different. Although they share some technological similaritiesenough to be consideredcousins“—their structures and purposes diverge significantly.

Popular crypto assets operate on permissionless, open blockchain networks where allparticipants can access and record transactions. This makes them fully decentralized. CBDCs, on the other hand, are controlled by centralized entities, such as a country’s central bank. Their blockchain networks are restricted, allowing only authorized entities to make changes. In other words, there is a central authority, control, and intervention. Central banks retain thepower to cancel transactions, freeze accounts, and halt transfers at their discretion.

Another key difference lies in the issue of reserves. Unlike cryptocurrencies, which operatewithout any reserve backing, CBDCs will, at least initially, require reserves such as gold orforeign currency to maintain their valuejust as traditional fiat currencies do today. In thefuture, they may even be pegged to a common reserve digital currency.

The primary distinction between CBDCs and the money we transfer electronically throughbankswithout ever physically holding or seeing it—lies in their origin. The digital moneywe use today is created by commercial banks as ledger-based money (a topic I will discuss in detail in a separate article). In contrast, CBDCs are issued directly by central banks. Thismeans that every aspect of their existencefrom transfer and registration to storage, tracking, freezing, and even destructionremains entirely under the supervision and authority of central banks.

In summary, while CBDCs function similarly to the cash and bank deposits we use today, their digital nature makes them significantly more susceptible to intervention by central banksand higher authorities. We are moving toward a system where all transactions are recorded, and financial control is centralized to an unprecedented degree. In the coming years, with theintroduction of a common digital currency, we will witness the old world breaking free fromthe crumbling dollar reserve system and transitioning into an entirely new financial orderone shaped around these digital currencies.

Bu yeni para sistemimin mimarı olan, merkez bankalarının merkez bankası kabul edilen BIS yani Bank for International Settlements’in (Uluslararası Ödemeler Bankası) ülkelere kendi CBDC’lerinioluşturma konusundaki desteklerinin yanında rezerv para yerine geçecek ortak bir CBDC oluşturma konusundaki programları da hızla devam ediyor. BIS’e ait mBridgeisimli platform üzerinden testleri devam eden CBDC’leringeliştirilmesinde HSBC, ICBC, Goldman Sachs, Dubai IslamicBank, Standard Chartered gibi küresel birçok bankanın proje paydaşı olmasının yanında her ay FED, BoE, IMF, WEF, ECB gibi kurumların yetkililerinin ağzından konuyla alakalı açıklamaların yapılması meselenin önemini anlama açısından son derece önemli.

Like other central banks around the world, the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye (CBRT) has been actively working on digital currency initiatives for a long time, with supportfrom the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM, ASELSAN, andHAVELSAN. This system holds significant importance, particularly in breaking free from thedominance of the U.S. dollar. By creating a common reserve currency, it aims to neutralizethe dollar’s role as a financial weapon wielded by the U.S. Additionally, it is seen as a crucialstep in preventing the speculative manipulation of exchange rates, which has led to thesiphoning of billions of dollars from the currency markets of underdeveloped and developingnations.

However, the issue is not without controversy. In a system where physical cash is graduallybeing phased out, even if all transactions are regulated and legally defined, concerns remainabout financial security. Since money would be directly under the control of central banks, it could be subject to intervention, confiscation, or freezingraising fears of potential risks andsystemic problems in the long run. Those who hold a pessimistic view on the matter often citeChina’s social credit system as the most striking example of such a centralized financialcontrol mechanism.

To summarize within this framework:

The era of the dollar system is rapidly coming to an end, and for now, the strongest alternativeemerging in its place is the CBDC system.

In the coming years, central banks will first issue their own digital currencies, followed by theintroduction of a common reserve currency in digital form—an idea originally proposed byKeynes at Bretton Woods.

This monetary system was initially designed by globalists, but Trump’s arrival changed thecourse of events. While they intended to keep the dollar alive in its new form as a tool of exploitation until the very last moment—continuing their financial market manipulations—Trump has pursued an entirely different plan.

As the U.S. faces the risk of being swallowed by its hyper-financialized economy and thecollapsing dollar, Trump aims to restore the country’s global influence with a strong currency. At the same time, he wants to avoid paying the price for the downfall of the traditional dollar, which has served as a vehicle for global exploitation for the past century.

In other words, Trump envisions a dollar that is not forcibly imposed as a reserve currencyone that is no longer a ticking time bomb controlled by globalists—but rather a currencybacked by production, oil, gold, and bitcoin. He wants a dollar that markets will voluntarilyaccept as a reserve and willingly hold, rather than one that is imposed through financialcoercion.

Of course, would the world readily grant such an opportunity to a U.S. burdened with $36.5 trillion in public debt? That remains a mystery.

Ultimately, while this initiative was originally set in motion by globalists, Trump’s bold andunpredictable moves have driven it in an entirely different direction. Regardless of whether it unfolds as a direct counterattack or as a controlled negotiation between opposing sides, one of the most critical elements of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda is steadilyadvancing toward realization.

In short, both the era of the traditional dollar and that of physical cash are gradually coming toan end.

The key issue now is what will back the new U.S. currency. Trump wants it to be supportedby gold and bitcoin reserves. He is now reinforcing his stance on bitcoin with an unprecedented step—one that no one has dared to take in the past 50 years: an audit of goldreserves, an issue that has long been treated as a taboo.

Yes, the sequence of events that will most accelerate the CBDC process will likely emergefrom this audit—an audit of the 8,000 tons of U.S. gold reserves allegedly stored at Fort Knox.

The last known audit of U.S. gold reserves took place in 1974, and even then, only 1/15th of the reserves were inspected. Since then, not a single person—at least within the publicdomain—has been allowed to step inside Fort Knox with the intent of conducting a full audit.

Two American journalists who reported on this issue died under suspicious circumstances.

Many respected researchers argue that Ronald Reagan was targeted for assassination preciselybecause he attempted to pursue this matter.

We are truly witnessing one of the most pivotal moments in economic and financial history.

All eyes and ears are on the markets